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 THIS is waht happened when u challenge LCN

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2 participants
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Nombre de messages : 131
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2005

THIS is waht happened when u challenge LCN Empty
MessageSujet: THIS is waht happened when u challenge LCN   THIS is waht happened when u challenge LCN EmptyMar 26 Avr à 2:44

Oh dudes, what a night !

How can I tell u what happened... Once upon a time, LCN was killing Antharas for the third time when lugthuata launch the "bat signal" batman . Someone was attacking him in Execution Ground (the well named... Twisted Evil )

So, the whole clan come to him to take lugthuata's revenge rambo

The following pics are better than a long story sword_fight

THIS is waht happened when u challenge LCN

THIS is waht happened when u challenge LCN

THIS is waht happened when u challenge LCN

THIS is waht happened when u challenge LCN

THIS is waht happened when u challenge LCN

Thx to all who participate to the fight, it was very fun... specially for VOD MOUAHAHAHA thumb_religion112
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Nombre de messages : 32
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2005

THIS is waht happened when u challenge LCN Empty
MessageSujet: lol   THIS is waht happened when u challenge LCN EmptyMar 26 Avr à 15:21

nice pics guys! thumb_abu dont have any pics but just wanna to say look at this shit and be affraid!!!!!!!! thumb_sang282 this shit happens when youre trying to hurt LCN!
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THIS is waht happened when u challenge LCN
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