Ladys and gentlemens,
the time has come for people all over Aden to know the name : La Compagnie Noire
L2's admins annonced a Tournament this WE, 2vs 2 in Aden Castle, the one who have the higher lvl fix team's lvl.
So, it's a very good occasion to begin our Legend
and more important... have fun !
So, we suggest some teams to represent our clan in this battle :
_ Devian
_ Gurru
_ Elvirois
_ Ralios
_ 69Tea
_ Kartaj
_ Valhalla
_ BadSanta
This is only suggestions, perhaps some of them who are quote don't want to take part in this tournament
So, if u have an idea, want to suggest another teams... reply (inscriptions are closed friday)
See u soon my friends